Sunday, June 4, 2006

Katrina Takes, OPR Gives Back

A portrait destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Another Operation Photo Rescue restoration by Robert McLaughlin.


Anonymous said...

My mother in law had a torn, faded ruined picture of her 40-years-dead parents. I scanned it in, and using patterns and other parts of the picture, put it all back together, airbrushed out the cracks and wrinkles, etc. Everyone agreed that I did a fantastic job- except her. She said she didn't like the expression on her mother's face. Never mind that half of her mother's face (in the picture) had been rotted away and I had to mirror paste it from the other half. I'm sure her response was more emotional than anything else, but it's always nice to have your work appreciated!

Robert McLaughlin said...

It can be quite a challenge to restore a photograph with some resemblance to the original, especially if major parts are missing. Since most faces are asymmetric, pasting from one side to the other doesn't always work. However it can be a start to a successful restoration. Just making the effort is commendable, and if most liked the restoration, then it probably was a pretty nice one.

I really can't explain how I do restorations, other than just jumping in and flinging pixels around--all the while trying to let the original image speak to me from behind the damage. A bit of Photoshop know-how helps also.

Thanks for your comment.